Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Be My Own Coach - a Self Talk to help me approach the Daily Schedule

I've been having trouble figuring out how to work at home, so thought I'd pretend to be someone else and give myself some advice. Maybe this will help me be kinder to myself than I usually am.


Hello, Brooke! You are doing a HUGE thing by starting a new career! That's awesome! I'm excited for you, and think that this schedule could help you out.

First Things First have to start the night BEFORE the morning. When dinner and dishes and scripture time are done, get yourself to bed. Reward yourself with reading IN BED in your jammies with brushed teeth, not on the couch watching t.v. If the kids go to bed at 9, do the same for yourself. Read and then turn out the lights. See if doing this for 10 days makes a difference in how you sleep and how you get up in the morning. Remember: nothing HAS to be done at night except sleep. Sleeping is the greatest way to take care of yourself.

First things IN the morning. Try to get in at least 15 minutes of stretching and moving to wake up your body. If you have time after this to get in a workout, great. If not, get the workout in as SOON as Chaim leaves for school. 

You know Youtube is fun and addicting. This is NOT your fault. So, do yourself a favor and don't pick up any device with Youtube on it. 

To start on writing work. Follow this:

1. Mindset Work: affirmations, scriptures, prayer

2. Blog if needed to get creative juices flowing :-)

3. Write some copy for a company you know (practice)

4. Reach out to 10 companies a day. That's what YOU can do (not someone else)

5. Apply for 1 Upwork job a day

And when that's done, you're done for the day, to being the "work" around the house which is somewhat hard to stay focused on, and works better.

Brooke, you are doing great! You are being courageous. You are brave. You are still at the beginning, and just need to keep going.  

Don't worry about starting this before the Soccer Trip. Start it on Feb. 20th, and get in 5 days every week. If you need to "double up" because of a ski day, just double the work (reach out to 20 companies i 1 day, and apply to 2 upwork jobs). That way you can take off and enjoy your kiddos, and not feel guilt. Let that guilt go - you are doing GREAT! Seriously...great! 


And...back to me. That was a nice pep talk from my alter-Brooke. Self-talk with love and kindness. Sometimes I need to step outside of myself and just be proud of where I am, where I'm going, and how I'm going. 

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