Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My "Mini" Job

Since September, I have worked as a Scholarship Advisor.  I walked into a conversation between my old boss and the school counselor:  they wanted to give the seniors more help with scholarships, and I was the perfect match - I wasn't bogged down with lesson plans, but I could help them with their essays for scholarships.  I took the job because I could work from home and only go into school once a week.

I call it my "mini" job, because I only work 5-10 hours a week.  5 hours a week is manageable, 10 hours a week is too much.  And the past two months, it's been 10 hours a week because we're in the middle of scholarship season.  I'm running a little haggard, and and these are some of the things I've had to say to seniors:

Yes, you really do have to fill out the college application.  Writing down what college you want to attend, and giving the paper to your teacher is not enough.

I sent FIVE different emails about FAFSA...What do you mean, you haven't checked your email since November?

No, the school does not automatically send in your transcripts to every college.  You have to ask the secretary to send them.  Please ask nicely:  it is not her fault the deadline is today. 

You don't have to decide on a career today, but you do have to apply to college today.

If you want to go to college, you really do have to fill out all the forms.

If you are attending FAFSA Night, please bring your social security card.....what do you mean - you don't know if you are a U.S. citizen?

1 comment:

summer said...

thank you for the excellent laugh which you have just provided for us tonight :) We won't be those parents...we can't be, not with amazing Auntie Brooke around to help our children through the Scholarship hoops....right?!