Thursday, June 29, 2023

Paying for College 101

This is my first attempt to write copy!  I thought I'd pretend to advertise my own college prep course, because I keep thinking...maybe I can market it and sell it as a way to help first-generation students!  (that could be in another marketing email--how this is written for them!)

Have you had that moment late at night, when you're looking through your finances and realize that while you might be able to start saving for retirement, you haven't really started saving for college?  Not for you...but for your children?!  It's easy to do...starting a career, starting a family, buying a house, figuring out life as it comes, and suddenly...WHAM!!  Here you are--just several years away from having a child attend college.  Maybe you have a daughter just starting 9th grade, and you know in 4 years she'll want to go to a great college just like her cousin did.  Or consider your son in 11th grade, who has good grades, but possibly not high enough for scholarships?  Is the worry in your chest growing, and you want to scream out...or go bury your head in the sand and pray it somehow goes away?

Instead of doing either, know this:  you can still find answers.  And a lot of them.   Your daughter can go to that college and sit in the classes and go to the football games.  Your son can go to the university and explore careers and find his own path.  

You don't have to get mad or give up, you can get help.  You can plan and pay for college with a step-by-step program that leaves you saying, "I know what I'm doing!" instead of feeling lost, confused and angry.  The best part is that you don't have to find them on your own, you can use a tried and experienced college-planning guide to help you. 

That's where this all-new college-prep course comes in.  This is a course that is easy-to-follow for students and their parents that wonder

  • What grades do I need for college?
  • When should I be looking for colleges?
  • How can I find colleges out of state?  
  • and so many more questions!!

The course includes lessons of information specific to searching out colleges and scholarships, and then assignments to help you build your own successful path.  

In case you're thinking, "that's for people that have a lot of money...we're just trying to get college paid for!"  think again...this business is built on the model to help students from middle-income families get to and through college.  This business is for first-generation students to reach college without signing up for numerous loans.  Instead of looking at others and thinking, "how?"  you'll be the one telling others, "this is how our son is paying for college".  

If interested in finding out what other parents know...and you can, too...then click on the link below to receive this new and up-to-date "Plan and Pay for College" Course.  We want to be sure to help YOU with getting the answers you need.   

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