Thursday, August 17, 2023

Returning to Routine

 Morning Routine

The kids are going back to school next Wednesday, and so I'm now less than 1 week away from being back on the "school schedule".  We don't do a school schedule taper anymore--we just wake up that first morning really excited, and then the 2nd morning we're dragging.  Somehow by the 2nd week, we've found our new schedule.  I am worried though--because today it's 8:41 a.m., and no one is even stirring.  I think we might need a small taper at least.  Like getting up at 9:00, so that the 6:30 wakeup isn't such a shock.  

The morning routine at our house--with Scott scrambling to get ready in 20 minutes, Noel needing 1.5 hours, and Juliet and Chaim being daily wild cards creates a lot of unknowns.  I don't even know my own morning schedule.  I don't know if I can workout in the mornings anymore, or if I should wait until the kids go to school.  I feel kind of lost in the mornings.  Is this normal?  I've usually been a morning person (not always, because I'm working on telling my own story a little more truthfully).  I like getting up in the morning and getting going.  Lately though, I struggle getting out of bed, and when I do, I just want to lay on the couch and read.  I don't want to exercise.  I guess getting on a schedule is more about what needs to be done, rather than what wants to be done.  So, here's the goal to work towards:

if the girls leave at 7:30 for school, we probably need to have breakfast @ 7:00.  Which means, I should workout from 6:00 - 6:45 (unless I go swimming, which I'm not entirely sure I'm able to do in the mornings anymore).  Anyway--6:45 if I'm done with exercising, I could prep breakfast, and we could eat around 7 or 7:10.  They could brush their teeth at 7:20, and then we could go to school.  I also know that I want to work with them on having some sort of morning devotional / morning scripture.  Just something simple and helpful for them for the day.  .... went and found the books by Pres. Monson, Pres. Hinckley, and one from the Old Testament.  Can use those.  More and more, I feel like I need to plan ahead and be present for these "crossroads" moments:  the moments before they leave for school, come home from school, and in the evening.  That is my REAL responsibility.  The copywriting is just a way to make money and support our family financially, but what I do with and for our family in real-time:  the conversations, the support, the puzzles and games and pretend play (which I 100% need to do better with engaging in), are the real things I need to do.  I'm suddenly struck by the fact that Noel only has 5 more years at home before college, July only has 6.  They're now in Junior High, and they're going to get busier and spend more time with friends.  I need to use the time I have with them as best I can.  I know there will be some resistance to blocking off time in the morning for these breakfasts + spiritual devotional, but I feel like I need to start it and continue with it.  

I need to get my act together in my mornings, so I can support them with their morning routine:

5:30 a.m., wake up

5:35 - 5:40, lemon water

5:40 - 5:55, pray and read

6:00 - 6:45, workout

6:50 - 7:10, prep breakfast

7:10 - 7:20, breakfast and morning devotional

7:20 - 7:30, help with water bottles, lunches

7:30, run girls to school

7:40 - 7:55, start laundry, wake up Chaim

8:00 - 8:10 breakfast & morning reading with Chaim

8:10 - 8:20, pack lunch, water bottle, load up in car

8:20:  leave house for morning walk to school with Chaim

8:50, return home, switch laundry (aim for 1-2 loads / day)

9:00:  begin work 

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