Thursday, August 31, 2023

Copywriting #9: Emotional Downfall to Emotional Uplift

The assignment said to use this technique when the audience may be hostile, suspicious, or negative.  I was thinking to write this one for those struggling with weight loss (negative and suspicious of other products and gimmicks) or those trying to get college application help (also suspicious, usually negative, possibly even hostile).  It seemed like the same sort of words would work for BOTH groups--which was a bit revelatory for me.  Here is the ad for college consulting, specific to PARENTS of those senior year.  I first wrote it for students, then realized I need to target parents, since they're the paying customers :-)

Help Your Teen Move COLLEGE APPS from the "List to Avoid"  TO 'THE HAPPY AND DONE LIST!'

Is your teen...

...avoiding computers?

...avoiding your school counselor?

...avoiding anyone that asks "how are those apps coming along?"

And you know...the "apps" aren't the yummy appetizers for the Homecoming Party.  The "apps" are the college apps your teen keeps avoiding.  The series of blanks for personal information, then lists of accomplishments and honors, documents to submit, and essays to write.  Even the list sends them into overwhelm.  

But...did you's actually possible to ENJOY THE PROCESS?!  

For Your Teen.  And For You. 

(take a moment and enjoy this new possibility)

It's possible to DROP THE OVERWHELM.  

Senior Year is the culmination of all the good of high school, and shouldn't be buried under fear and feeling lost.  You've watched your teen accomplish all the hard work--you just need some guidance to package it for the colleges.  

So, instead of running from college apps, they'll be running TO the apps with the help of a personal college counselor.  

A personal college counselor can work with your teen on the application, step-by-step.  Instead of feeling lost and alone, they can feel connected with someone by their side to answer questions in the moment.  Your teen will check off portions of the application with every appointment, and submit the best application to fantastic colleges!  And this positive experience can begin today, by signing up HERE for private and helpful college consulting.  

Most students are able to complete the application in 3-5 hour-long sessions.  So, help your teen ditch the overwhelm and grab some senior year enjoyment by signing up with Krim College Consulting.   

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