Friday, March 15, 2024

Closing out another Week

I've heard somewhere a joke about the workweek getting scrunchec - that Monday is coming off the weekend, Tuesday is getting started, Wednesday and Thursday you work, and Friday is getting ready to play again. 

Sadly, I think this is true for me. I've noticed the past few months just how difficult transitions are for me. Transitioning from kids going to school in the morning to getting to work. Transitioning from a weekend back to the workweek. Small and big transitions throw me for a loop. I seem to have very little focus or ability to jump back in to work.

I'm taking Chaim skiing this afternoon, leaving our house at 2:00. That's more than enough time to get in FIVE hours of work. Which is why it's 11 a.m., and I've accomplished almost nothing. I got sidetracked by a call about a form for school - and that was at 9:30 a.m. I could have put it on the list for tomorrow, but I just didn't consider that. I'm so easily sidetracked to what asks for my time presently.

This is why I thought I would write a blog about work patterns of work-at-home moms. It's a work sample and it's a help for me to figure out what works for others! I feel stymied by what to actually do...and seem to lack any sort of internal discipline at present.

With that, I think that'll be my first task of the day - sorting through that data, following up with those that shared their info, and outlining the blog. It actually sounds fun - and I'm going to work at writing random thoughts on a random dayplanner page - to complete after!

You've got this Brooke! 

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